The Hidden Nectar (Ar-Rahîq Al-Makhtoum) - Orientica
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Title: 10 excuses for not wearing the Hijab
Publisher: Al Hadith
Page: 47
Pocket book
The Hidden Nectar (Ar-Rahîq Al-Makhtoum الرحيق المختوم), is a reference work on the life of the Prophet (SAW), written by the Indian Sheikh Safiy Ar-Rahmân Al-Mubârakfûrî a contemporary scholar. He received first prize in a competition organized in Mecca by the Islamic World League.
This book chronicles in detail the life of the last Prophet, Mohammad (SAW), the one who was sent as an example and mercy for all mankind. Allah says in the Qur'an: [Indeed, you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent model (to follow), for whoever hopes in Allah and the Last Day and invokes Allah frequently. ] (S33, Al-Ahzab, V21).
It is important for every Muslim to know his Creator and the Sunnah of His Messenger (SAW). The study of the biography of the Prophet (SAW) (As-Sîra) makes it possible to draw lessons for a better understanding of the Muslim religion and its history.
This work, which is distinguished by the clarity of its approach, allows the believer to follow in the footsteps of Mohamed (SAW), to strengthen his faith, to preserve himself from error and to hope for forgiveness, through the intercession of the seal of the prophets.
The Hidden Nectar (Ar-Rahîq Al-Makhtoum) - Orientica