Al Fajr rug
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6,99€ Regular price 8,99€ Sold out Unit price /Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Soft quilted prayer mat
mosaic pattern
Length: 111cm
Width: 80cm
Unfortunately, for religious reasons, we are unable to put the 99 names of Allah and the names designating the prophets.
God | ||
Ar-Ra h mān |
الرحمن |
The All-Merciful |
Ar-Ra h īm |
الرحيم |
The Most Merciful |
Al Malik |
الملك |
The sovereign |
Al-Quddus |
القدوس |
The Saint |
As-Salam |
لسلام |
The peace |
Al-Mu'min |
المؤمن |
The backup |
Al-Muhaymin |
المهيمن |
The Preserver |
Al-'Aziz |
العزيز |
The all mighty |
Al-Jabbar |
الجبار |
He who dominates and constrains |
Al-Mutakabbir |
المتكبر |
the inaccessible |
Al-Khaliq |
الخالق |
The creator |
Al-Bāri' |
البارئ |
The producer |
Al-Musawwir |
المصور |
He who fashions his creatures |
Al-Ghaffar |
الغفار |
who absolves many |
Al-Qahhār |
القهار |
The Irresistible |
Al-Wahhab |
الوهاب |
The Very Generous |
Ar-Razzaq |
الرزاق |
One who grants sustenance |
Al-Fatta h |
الفتاح |
One who grants victory |
Al-'Alim |
العليم |
The Omniscient |
Al Qabid |
القابض |
He who retains and retracts |
Al-Basit |
الباسط |
One who extends His generosity |
Al-Khafid |
الخافض |
The one who lowers |
Ar-Rafi' |
الرافع |
The one who raises |
Al-Mu’izz |
المعز |
The one who makes powerful |
Al Mudhill |
المذل |
He who humiliates the proud |
As-Sami' |
السميع |
The Hearer, He who hears everything |
Al-Basīr |
البصير |
The Seer, He who sees everything |
Al- Hakam |
الحكم |
The Referee |
Al-'Adl |
العدل |
The Just |
Al-Latif |
اللطيف |
The Good in Trial |
Al-Khabīr |
الخبير |
The Well-Informed |
Al- H alīm |
الحليم |
The Gentle, the Most Merciful |
Al-Adhim |
العظيم |
The Immense, the Eminent |
Al-Ḡafhūr |
الغفور |
who forgives |
Ash-Shakūr |
الشكور |
The Most Grateful |
Al-'Ali |
العلي |
The pupil |
Al-Kabīr |
الكبير |
The Infinitely Large |
Al- Hafīdh |
الحفيظ |
The Guardian |
Al-Muqīt |
المقيت |
Who feeds everyone |
Al- Hasīb |
الحسيب |
Who settles everyone's account |
Al-Jalīl |
الجليل |
The Majestic |
Al-Karim |
الكريم |
The Noble |
Ar-Raqīb |
الرقيب |
The Observer |
Al-Mujib |
المجيب |
The one who answers prayers |
Al-Wāsi' |
الواسع |
The Vast |
Al- Hakīm |
الحكيم |
The wise |
Al-Wadūd |
الودود |
who loves a lot |
Al-Majīd |
المجيد |
The Most Glorious |
Al-Bā'ith |
الباعث |
who resurrects |
Ashahīd |
الشهيد |
The witness |
Al- Haqq |
الحق |
The truth |
Al-Wakīl |
الوكيل |
The tutor |
Al Qawi |
القوي |
The strong |
Al-Matīn |
المتين |
The Robust |
Al-Wa'li |
الولي |
The protector |
Al- Hamīd |
الحميد |
The Praiseworthy |
Al-Mu h si |
المحصي |
Who knows the accounts of all |
Al-Mubdi' |
المبدئ |
The Author |
Al-Mu'īd |
المعيد |
Which brings everyone back to nothingness |
Al-Mu h yī |
المحيي |
who gives life |
Al-Mumit |
المميت |
who kills |
Al- H ayy |
الحي |
The living |
Al-Qayyum |
القيوم |
The Immutable |
Al-Wājid |
الواجد |
Who exist |
Al-Majid |
الماجد |
The Illustrious |
Al- Wāhid |
الواحد |
The special one |
As-Samad |
الصمد |
The Eternal Lord |
Al-Qadir |
القادر |
The determining |
Al-Muqtadir |
المقتدر |
The all mighty |
Al-Muqaddim |
المقدم |
Who preceded it all |
Al-Mu’akhir |
المؤخر |
Who will be after all |
Al Awwal |
الأول |
The First, whose existence has no beginning |
Al-Akhir |
الآخر |
The Last, whose existence has no end |
Adh-Dhāhir |
الظاهر |
The Exterior, the Apparent |
Al-Bātin |
الباطن |
The Interior, the Hidden |
Al-Wāly |
الواليي |
The monarch |
Al-Muta'ali |
المتعالي |
The Sublime |
Al Barr |
البر |
The Benefactor |
At-Tawwab |
التواب |
Who never ceases to welcome repentance |
Al-Muntakim |
المنتقم |
The Avenger |
Al-Afuww |
العفو |
The Indulgent |
Al-Ra'uf |
الرؤوف |
The Benevolent in Grace |
Malik-ul-Mulk |
مالك الملك |
The Master of Power |
Dhul-Jalāli-wal-Ikrām |
ذو الجلال و الإكرام |
Holder of Majesty who deserves to be Exalted |
Al-Muqsit |
المقسط |
Fair Trade |
Al-Jami' |
الجامع |
The Gatherer |
Al-Ḡhani |
الغني |
The Rich par excellence |
Al-Mughni |
المغنى |
Who satisfies the needs of His creatures |
Al-Māni' |
المانع |
The Defender |
Ad-Dar |
الضار |
Who can harm (those who offend Him) |
An-Nāfi' |
النافع |
Useful |
An-Nūr |
النور |
The light |
Al-Hādi |
الهادي |
Guide |
Al-Badi' |
البديع |
The inventor |
Al-Baqi |
الباقي |
The Permanent |
Al-Wārith |
الوارث |
The Heir |
Ar-Rashīd |
الرشيد |
who acts righteously |
As-Sabur |
الصبور |
The patient |
Al Fajr rug
Très bonne qualité et couleurs identiques
Très beau tapis avec personnalisation je recommande