Husband and wife: rights and duties
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Take the time to discover " Маrі еt femme drоіtѕ еt dеvоіrѕ ", one of the many works of Cheikh Ferkous , one of the eminent scholars of the Umma. In his legislation, Allah has established rights, but also duties which must be fulfilled by each of the spouses. This veritable code of conduct allows Muslim couples to taste the pleasure of a peaceful marital life.
Маrі еt wife drоіtѕ еt dеvоіrѕ, a must-have for newlyweds
In his book, Cheikh Ferkous evokes the various marital duties. In particular, they can be listed in three very distinct categories, separated into several parts. This Islamic book aims to accompany the bride and groom. Indeed, he teaches each of the spouses the rights granted to him by Islamic legislation, but also the duties he must fulfill.
A man has rights over his wife just as she has rights over her husband. We also invite you to discover " The rights and duties of men and women in Islam ". It is one of the many works of Sheikh Rabi Ibn Hadi al Madkhali .
Маrі еt femme drоіtѕ еt dеvоіrѕ: a well-structured book
In this book, the publishing house has collected the duties of the spouses in two chapters. The first deals with duties relating to women. The second evokes, as for him, those whose must discharge the husband.
In Islam, there are also common rights for both spouses. Sheikh Ferkous listed them in his book "Маrі еt fеmmе drоіtѕ еt dеvоіrѕ". The marital bond that takes shape in the marriage contract thus implies rights and duties.
The family in Islam
The family takes shape from the man and the woman. Therefore, each must multiply the causes that make it possible to reach good agreement. Thus, each member of the family will be delighted to be able to evolve in a peaceful setting.
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Husband and wife: rights and duties