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L'Histoire de l'Islam | 3 Volumes - Edition Assia

The History of Islam

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The History of Islam (From the Pre-Islamic Period to the Abbasid Dynasty)

Rare are those today in the West who have a global vision of the history of Islam. However, when one wants to learn about this subject in French, it is clear that the offer is very insufficient among Muslim publishers. Some are then encouraged to turn to works composed by people who have no connection with this civilization, that is to say written by Westerners who, too often, voluntarily or not, give a biased or erroneous view of events, put forward abusive interpretations, or reveal in their words disrepute or even contempt and arrogance.

They never stop blaming Islam for all the flaws in order to "condition" the minds of Westerners and lead them to think that this religion, which they almost completely ignore, is their enemy. No, Islam is not the enemy of any people, it only comes to open the eyes of men, to awaken their conscience, to illuminate their hearts, to purify their morals, to clean up their practices, to unite them around a saving belief, to correct in them what has been perverted, and to prevent the instigators of evil from raging, in short to oppose the evil action of the devil and thus thwart his evil enterprise which is already at work to the detriment of men.

A series of three volumes that make up this book:

Volume 1- From the pre-Islamic period to the death of Caliph 'Umar ibn al-Khattab ( May Allah be pleased with him) .

It begins with the pre-Islamic period and ends with the death of Caliph 'Umar ibn al-Khattab. It deals with the life of the Prophet ( saw ) , his succession and the fitna that took place between Ali Ibn ABi Talib and Mu'awiya .

Volume 2- From the Caliphate of 'Utsmân ibn 'Affân ( May Allah be pleased with him) to the fall of the Umayyad dynasty.

Volume 2: It begins with the accession to the caliphate of Mu'awiya ibn abi sufyan and ends with the fall of the Umayyad Empire. This book also deals with the appearance of Shiism and heretical doctrinal currents and the ravages they caused.

Volume 3- The Abbasid dynasty.

Volume 3: It begins from the rise of the Abbasid Caliphate until its fall, describing what was its political, administrative and economic organization, and how many sciences developed under this dynasty and illuminated the world.

The History of Islam


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L'Histoire de l'Islam | 3 Volumes - Edition Assia