The Ways to Heaven and Freedom from Fire
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Title: The Ways to Access Paradise and to Be Preserved from the Fire
Publisher: Assia
Pages: 76
Author: Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Jarrulah Al Jarrullah
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe. I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, the Unique, without partner. He has promised Paradise out of His beneficence to him who obeys Him and rightly threatens with Hell whoever disobeys Him. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His Messenger (ﷺ); the latter said: “All my community will enter Paradise except those who refuse to do so”. They asked him “And who refuses to do so?”. He answered: "Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise and whoever disobeys me is certainly denied access".
Certainly, the objective that the Muslim aims for is access to Paradise, the abode of happiness and delights, and deliverance from Hell, the abode of misfortunes, torments and degradation. This, then, is the great success, success that results from obedience to Allah (ﷻ). and to His Messenger (ﷺ).
The Ways to Heaven and Freedom from Fire