The Good in the month of Good, Ramadan
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Title: Good in the month of Good, Ramadan
Publisher: IBN BADIS
Pages: 80
Author: Sheikh Sûlaymân Ar-Rûhayli
O Muslims, we are certainly in great weakness. Our sins have taken us away and our hopes have held us back. Ramadan is a great opportunity to come closer to our Lord and get rid of our sins, so that the veil that envelops our hearts disappears and they become peaceful in obedience to their Lord and the mention of their Master. The one who reaches Ramadan is far away and is not forgiven! Blessed, O servants of Allah, blessed is he who is near. Blessed is he who has reached Ramadan and who has been reached by the Mercy of the All-Merciful. Blessed is he who has reached Ramadan and whom the Forgiveness and the approval of the Generous, of the One Who fills with blessings reach.
- Sheikh Sûlaymân Ar-Rûhayli
The Good in the month of Good, Ramadan